Delta X Wave
The Vitronics Soltec Delta X has evolved from a long heritage of soldering machines with thousands in production worldwide. With technology driven features developed over generations the Delta X is a reliable, dependable and cost-efficient wave soldering machine.
Outstanding Throughput
Up to three products can be porcessed simultaneously for maximized throughput.
Conveyor System – Parallelism
A robust conveyor and chains keep the assembly interface with the wave equal and parallel.
• Multiple lead-screws that are mechanically driven ensure parallel rails: Parallel to 1.0 mm
• Solderpot blocking system guarantees repeatable positioning
• Ensures repeatable interfacing of product to the solderwaves
• Thermal expansion systems on entrance end allows for smooth trouble free operation
Fluxing Unit
Pressure controlled flux supply with stepper motor for precise, repeatable flux application.
Preheat configurations for process flexibility: IR calrod, quartz lamps and forced convection. Modules are easy exchangeable and configurable in the software.
Titanium solder pot components with unique dross management design.
Heavy Duty Titanium Fingers
• Standard HD fingers will dramatically reduce finger replacement
• Flexible chain allows for smooth interface and will not warp the assembly due to the thermal expansion
Crash Detection
• Ensures proper loading and unloading of the PCB in the fingers
• Mechanical sensitivity adjustment
• Software controlled sensitivity time out and on/off
• Location specific crash alarm and designation