The Electrovert Electra Wave Soldering machine from ITW EAE is designed for high-volume customers. The system provides maximum process flexibility and intended for maximum throughput requirements.
The features of the Electrovert Electra Wave:
• Provides customers with the capability to achieve the best solder joint quality with difficult soldering applications and within demanding environments
• Lead-Free process capability
• Quick Change solder pot that offers the flexibility of easily changing alloys
• The Electra has the capability to process large, thick assembles and pallets.
• The patented Solder Nozzle technology from Electrovert provides great performance, flexibility and process control
• The Electra have great preheat capabilities, and can preheat up to 2.4 meters of bottom side and up to 1.8 meters of topside preheat
• Electrovert offers the best fluxing technology with the ServoJet system that results in high precision to ensure the quality of soldering
• Electrovert holds the industry reputation as the most reliable wave soldering system with multiple patents on various technologies
• User-friendly software and controls